Project requirements:
Create fully functioning navigation to transition from the title screen to the first section and to transition from the first section to the second section of your storyboards. Implement two new layers for labels and actions.
Time for Action Scripting! The reading exercise was very useful and gave me some good ideas about integrating these methods into a splash page for a website. For the assignment, a number of stops were added to the timeline through Action Script, only to prompt the user to resume the movie at each interval. While the assignment taught me a lot about Action Scripting, I hate what it has done to my movie. It needs to flow and progress uninterrupted. The invisible button was placed on the first frame, so that the user must click on the title screen for the movie to begin.
This course had ten assignments, including a final project (unit 10):
In addition to the ten assignments for the class, there were three
multimedia projects that I completed from the textbook: